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Prof. Dr. Lars Kirchhoff

Kirchhoff_Lars_2020 ©Kirchhoff 2020

Institut für Konfliktmanagement (IKM)
Academic Director Institute of Conflict Management

Prof. Dr. Lars Kirchhoff, mediator and international lawyer, Co-Director of the Center for Peace Mediation and Director of the Institute for Conflict Management and the Master's Program in Mediation at the European University Viadrina.

​After pursuing graduate studies in Passau, Dublin and Berlin, and holding research positions at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Lars Kirchhoff specialized in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), International Law and International Commercial Arbitration during his postgraduate studies at Yale Law School and at the U.S. District Court of Northern California.

In addition to his practical work as a mediator, Lars Kirchhoff is teaching mediation and ADR skills at the German Academy of Judges, Bucerius Law School, the United Nations and the Training Academy for International Diplomats at the German Federal Foreign Office. Lars Kirchhoff is a faculty member of the Master of International Human Rights & Humanitarian Law. He also is a member of the editorial board of the Journal Konfliktdynamik.

Areas of Expertise

  • Theory and Methodology of Interest-Based Peace Mediation
  • Normative Dimensions of Peace Processes
  • Mediation and Transitional Justice.

Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
🏠 HG 070
☏ +49 335 5534 5307
📠 +49 335 5534 5310

Web: Institut für Konfliktmanagement