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Magdalena Straub

Magdalena_Straub_2022 ©Magdalena Straub

Institut für Konfliktmanagement (IKM)
Assistant Researcher at the Center for Peace Mediation

Magdalena Straub is a trained mediator, systemic coach and assistant researcher at the Center for Peace Mediation. She supports the Viadrina Mediation Hub within the Federal Foreign Office since May 2022.

Magdalena Straub is holding a B.A. in Economic Sciences from bbw Hochschule Berlin and a M.A. in Social- and Cultural Anthropology with a major in Psychological Anthropology from Freie Universität Berlin. She spent two academic semesters abroad, in Spain (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Indonesia (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta). Magdalena carried out extended ethnographic research within her master program and a Promos (DAAD) scholarship. Her final thesis focused on identity processes and emotional constructions of a marginalized group within an explicit cultural context in Indonesia. She previously worked in event management and comes with a broad experience in international contexts.

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